The TurrĂ³n Experiment
Data Science Notes: Confidence Intervals
TIL: ssh forwarding with tmux
TIL: move files from a git repo to another preserving history
TIL: How to debug cron jobs
Django + webpack + Vue.js - setting up a new project that's easy to develop and deploy (part 1)
dev-toolbar a web developer's best friend!
How to use email as user identifier in Django 1.11
Setting up mosh on macOS with fish shell
Setting up GitLab's Continuous Integration with Laravel, PostgreSQL and PHPUnit
Using Postgre's UUIDs in Laravel and Eloquent
MBP Trackpad, right click (two-finger tap) not working on Mac OS X Lion
Configuring Git after formatting
GET request with params in Titanium to a Rails backend
A keyboard shortcut to run tests with watchr
Nestable, sortable and dragable categories for a Rails project
diMLOrb, my first gem
Shortcuts (⌘→ & ⌘←) with Textmate and Snow Leopard
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